• 'Twas the night before the holidays, when all thro’ the site,

    Not a buyer was stirring, the inventory was right;

    The stocks were counted for the factory with care

    In hopes that shortages were nowhere near;


    The managers were nestled all snug in their beds

    While visions of excess cash danc’d in their heads

    With LeanDNA in its place, running with the E-R-P,

    They slipped into sleep, full from the turkey


    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

    They sprang from the desk to see what was the matter

    Away to the window, buyers flew like a flash,

    Tore open the shutters, and threw up the sash.


    With a little old driver, so automated and quick,

    They knew in a moment it must be Procurement Rick.

    Faster than eagles his leaders they came,

    And he whistled, and shouted, and call’d them by name


    “Now Spirit! Now Garrett! JR Automation and Morgan! 

    On Dover! On Integra! HySecurity and Safran!

    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!

    Now reduce! Now improve! Now optimize all!”


    As production orders and requirements fly

    When they meet an inventory obstacle, mount to the sky;

    So up to the factory-top the leaders they flew

    with a sleigh full of ideas - and LeanDNA too.


    Their eyes - how they twinkled! their minds with no worry!

    The actions were prioritized, their vision not blurry!

    They standardized work, improved cash flows, 

    And there was no sign of spreadsheets tucked in their clothes;


    They spoke not a word, went straight to the report,

    And fill’d all the stock, made sure it wasn’t short.

    Laying their fingers aside of each nose

    Away from the factory they rose and rose;


    They sprung to their sleigh, to their teams gave a whistle,

    And away they all flew, like the down of a thistle.

    But then they exclaimed as they drove out of sight-

    Happy Holidays to all, with inventory just right!

See the LeanDNA Difference with a Supply Chain Management Demo!