• Our Supply Chain Heroes program recognizes and celebrates the hard work of LeanDNA customers who optimize inventory, reduce shortages, and empower their companies to operate more efficiently. Every hero has a story, and we're here to tell them.

    In the world of global supply chain management, where data is crucial and collaboration is key, Chris Carswell stands as a beacon of transformation. As the Global Supply Chain Excellence Manager and UK Senior Purchasing & Scheduling Manager at Hydraforce, Chris set out to revolutionize inventory management and operational efficiency. 

    Confronting Challenges Head-On 

    Chris and his team faced significant hurdles when it came to the workload surrounding MRP management. They had a difficult time pulling data together to make informed decisions without significant manual effort. Their manual efforts in Excel-based solutions provided some customization but lacked integration and collaboration. Seeking a better solution to overcome these challenges, Chris and the Hydraforce team took on a strategic approach to automated task management and enable data-driven decisions. 

    A Strategic Approach to Transformation

    Working closely with Thomas Fowler, Customer Success Manager at LeanDNA, Chris and his team transformed operations and saw incredible results. Giving the purchasing team a clear picture of which shortages need to be prioritized and visibility into future shortages enabled the Hydraforce team to be more proactive rather than reactive. 

    Hydraforce started to see valuable results while utilizing LeanDNA’s PFEP, a competitive weapon that enables supply chain leaders to glean a 360-degree view of their inventory and procurement policies to make sure each inventory dollar is maximized. PFEP optimizes the policies that define how to procure each part to help right-size inventory as fast as possible without running into parts shortages that may hinder production time. 

    “Chris has been very active in the use of LeanDNA’s PFEP suite of reports which give him data-driven insights into selecting the appropriate order policy, safety stock, and order intervals for their parts.” Thomas Fowler, Customer Success Manager at LeanDNA. 

    The Triumphs of Transformation 

    Chris and his team reduced workload and increased effectiveness through this transformation. It has improved the overall supply chain strategy and enabled the team to offer a better service to their customers. 

    “In the best case, we have seen a statistical shift in one facility’s stock turns increasing by 20% whilst shortages remained stable by utilizing the standard work that I constructed with the fantastic support of Thomas Fowler.” -Chris Carswell 

    Hydraforce has witnessed significant improvements in its largest supplier account, as noted by Chris, experiencing a remarkable 20% improvement in forward turns of inventory in just three months without any supply disruptions. Previously overwhelmed with 350 PO adjustments a week, this supplier's workload has been reduced to less than 10, resulting in enhanced efficiency for both Hydraforce and its suppliers. 

    The process of mapping and user optimization has prompted valuable insights, sparking improvements across various aspects of performance. The accessibility of information and visual cues has empowered the team to adopt a more customer-centric strategy, aligning operations more closely with customer needs and preferences. The clear line of sight to potential supply chain issues has given the team a way to proactively identify problems in a way they haven’t been able to before. “I’ve loved the chance to step back and work with LeanDNA, and someone like Thomas, to truly rebuild the ability to outperform,” notes Chris. 

    “The level of service, commitment, and expertise that LeanDNA have demonstrated make me willing to recommend them to anybody.”-Chris Carswell 

    What’s Next

    Considering the success Chris has achieved so far, he is looking forward to more big and exciting opportunities for continuous improvement. One of those being the rollout of the PFEP module and method across more of the supply base. He is also looking forward to integrating LeanDNA’s Supplier Connect and Clear to Build modules in the coming months. 

    A Tip from the Hero

    We like to ask every Supply Chain Hero the same question. What is the most valuable thing you have learned that you would want to share with other supply chain professionals?

    “Once you can get the day to day management of scrutinizing data out of your team's way, your Supply Chain team can focus on collaboration with Customers and Suppliers to deliver what is needed. LeanDNA is giving us the power to do that.”

    Chris Carswell's journey at Hydraforce epitomizes the transformative power of strategic innovation, earning his spot as a Supply Chain Hero. With a clear vision and unwavering commitment, Chris paves the way for continued success, poised to unlock even greater opportunities for innovation and growth.  

    If you’d like to nominate someone for our Supply Chain Hero program or view more heroes stories, click here

    If Chris’s story resonated with you and you’d like to learn more about LeanDNA, click here to schedule a demo.


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