• Our Supply Chain Heroes program recognizes and celebrates the hard work of LeanDNA customers who optimize inventory management, reduce shortages, and empower their companies to operate more efficiently. Every hero has a story, and we’re here to tell them!

    In the dynamic realm of supply chain management, heroes emerge to spearhead transformative initiatives, shaping the future of their organizations. Meet Ricardo Solis, the Inventory Planning Manager at Terumo BCT, whose unwavering dedication and strategic vision have revolutionized inventory management within the company.

    Enhancing Operational Transparency: Confronting Visibility and Standardization Challenges  

    Ricardo confronted a series of challenges at Terumo BCT. Lacking visibility of their inventories around the world made it tricky to track obsolete and excess inventory. Additionally, not having standardized controls and dealing with manual processes within procurement groups made reaction times and decision making difficult. These challenges impacted efficiency, hindered decision-making, and made it difficult to adapt swiftly to changing market demands.

    Using data visualization tools, Ricardo and his team tried to close the gaps. They used the tools to start spreading the same visuals around their sites, and define some standard KPIs. While it did get them to speak the same language, it required a lot of manual work and did not deliver the much needed real-time visibility. 

    Undeterred, Ricardo led the charge in implementing LeanDNA at Terumo BCT, orchestrating efforts to increase adoption across the organization. “He set up Operational and Management Control Towers in LeanDNA that led to increased adoption and use of standardized workflows and KPIs being monitored,” says Lily Djuniarti, Customer Success Director at LeanDNA. 

    Elevating Efficiency: The Ripple Effects of Streamlined Operations

    With the implementation of these customized dashboards and standardized workflows, Ricardo streamlined operations. The Control Towers ensured stakeholders at all levels of the organization could access inventory statuses effortlessly. 

    "[The dashboards] proved to be very beneficial as they are very simple to follow and point our collaborators to the major point of focus and inventory opportunities. They are a critical part of our operations." - Ricardo Solis, Inventory Planning Manager at Terumo BCT

    Thanks to Ricardo’s efforts, Terumo is keeping a sustained trend of inventory optimization. At the same time, they are improving internal processes and controls by focusing on the actions that will push the bar further. As a testament to their success, Terumo witnessed tangible improvements in their KPIs, including increased inventory turns, a reduction in excess and obsolete inventory, and a decrease in purchase orders (POs) related to excess and obsolete inventory.

    What’s Next 

    Looking ahead, Ricardo envisions further refinement of inventory policies and processes over the next six months. "We still have a long way to go in terms of inventory policies alignment," Ricardo remarks, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and collaboration. Planning to keep close communication with stakeholders around the world, Ricardo and the team aim to attach their major improvement opportunities in alignment. 

    A Tip from the Hero

    We like to ask every Supply Chain Hero the same question. What is the most valuable thing you have learned that you would want to share with other supply chain professionals?

    “Supply Chain is becoming more and more complex as time passes, adoption of Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and AI is a must if you want to keep the pace and make the difference. LeanDNA is one of the tools that will really make a difference to your organization allowing you to focus on decision making.”

    Through his strategic vision, Ricardo navigated the complicated challenges that come with inventory management, illuminating a path towards operational excellence. By harnessing the power of LeanDNA and orchestrating the implementation of customized dashboards and standardized workflows, Ricardo spearheaded a transformative journey, ensuring visibility and standardization across all levels of the organization. 

    Ricardo's story serves as a testament to the profound impact that dedicated leadership and innovative solutions can have on shaping the future of supply chain management. In a rapidly evolving landscape, Ricardo Solis stands as a beacon of inspiration, inspiring his peers and paving the way for a new era of operational excellence.


    If you’d like to nominate someone for our Supply Chain Hero program or view more heroes stories, click here

    If Ricardo’s story resonated with you and you’d like to learn more about LeanDNA, click here to schedule a demo.


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