• At LeanDNA, we believe that mastering our platform goes beyond just learning the basics. While our intuitive  platform is easy to learn, we encourage our customers to develop a deeper understanding by cultivating a set of LeanDNA subject-matter experts (or SMEs) among their employees. 

    What is a LeanDNA SME?

    A LeanDNA SME is an individual who can:

    • Describe Capabilities: Clearly articulate the broad range of LeanDNA’s capabilities to support numerous supply chain goals, roles, and workflows.
    • Create Dashboards and Reports: Set up dashboards, reports, or projects to facilitate those workflows.
    • Manage Settings: Understand and manage LeanDNA settings to optimize usage and performance. 
    • Drive adoption: Promote platform adoption by formally or informally training their colleagues on LeanDNA.

    With their expertise, SMEs help to ensure that the full value of LeanDNA is realized at their sites.

    The SME Training Program

    We offer a comprehensive SME Training Program free of charge to all customers. This program allows any of their employees to register and work toward LeanDNA SME certification. The program includes:

    • Webinars: 8 in-depth webinars covering key LeanDNA functionality and workflows, accompanied by independent activities to reinforce learning.. These webinars are offered multiple times per year, and recordings are available for on-demand learning.)
    • Company Specific Support: An option to schedule a separate breakout office hour session by company to address any unique and specific questions for your team.
    • Certification: An assessment to achieve official SME certification from LeanDNA, validating the participants expertise.

    Why Become a LeanDNA SME?

    Becoming a LeanDNA SME offers numerous benefits, including:

    • Enhanced Skills: Gain a comprehensive understanding of LeanDNA’s advanced features and capabilities.
    • Professional Growth: Achieve a recognized certification that can enhance your professional credentials.
    • Organizational Impact: Contribute to your organization’s success by driving greater efficiency and value from the LeanDNA platform.

    How to Get Started

    Interested in becoming a LeanDNA SME?  You can register for the next live SME webinar cycle or view recordings here on the LeanDNA Help Center. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at customer-training@leandna.com .

    Join the LeanDNA SME Training Program to take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of LeanDNA for your organization! 


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